Holy Mastercard, Batman!
So D and I went puppy shopping today. Nobody told us dogs cost money!! When did this happen? I know that big pet stores run a racket, but damn.
Warning: If we haven't already bought you a present, you'll have to wait a few years.
No really, I think we're finally realizing what we're getting ourselves into here.
- Replace cute leather boots destroyed by dog: $90
- Deposit on rental house never to be refunded: $500
- Vet bills for shots, neutering, various diseases: $200,000
- Years with 2 little friends to play with after a hard day.........AACK! Sorry, back to the real world.
Whew, we need to watch less TV!
Anyway, we tried not to go overboard with toys and treats and stuff like that. And until they grow, they'll be sharing most of their stuff. I have to admit, it was fun to pick everything out. It's pretty funny to walk around a pet store and realize that everything is marketed to people, with little or no thought given to the animal. D found tons of examples of things that wouldn't matter one bit to even the most spoiled rotten dog, but look cute or feel soft to the buyer. For example: We found bottles of BBQ sauce for dogs and dog beds lined on faux fur. No really, we actually did.
Maybe, we're in the wrong business! (This statement is also often said by people planning a wedding.)
All complaining aside, neither of us can wait until they get to come home for good. It's probably a good thing that we are doing all the house training and all that stuff here in A-town, when we don't exactly have a lot on the social calendar. I hope we don't become those crazy dog people that talk about their dogs like other people talk about their kids. Hell, I don't want to talk about my kids like that either!
"Did I tell you what (insert horrible popular name here) did yesterday?"
"No! Did I tell you what (second hard to spell name) said to me this morning?"
"Me first!"
"No, my kid was accepted to Harvard 16 years early!"
"Well mine can speak three languages and isn't even out of diapers!"
Etc, etc, etc.
If we ever force horribly boring dog stories on you, just kick one of us in the shins and run away. We'll get the hint. I hope.